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Writer's pictureChrystopher

Ascension Symptoms: Dry Mouth + Intense Thirst

This ascension symptom is pretty common but when I tune in to the energy of this phenomenon, spirit makes me feel like it is not continuous like other symptoms. I, myself, can attest to this. It’s strange because it comes out of nowhere and for a few days it persists and then disappears.

Two days ago I started to notice a change in my saliva levels which are usually overflowing (I get it from my mama). She and I drool ourselves to sleep every night and thanks to my full moon insomnia (Cancer rising), I was awake enough to notice that my pillow was dry all night. That’s when I knew it was back.

With a series of solar storms hitting earth and the Schumann Resonance being so spiked up, I expected increased symptoms but couple that with the New moon in Virgo and we have ourselves a shit storm of intense and often extremely uncomfortable ascension symptoms.

There are many factors that are at play and one cause that is very likely for this excessive dryness of the mouth and intense thirst is caused by the body’s natural reaction of dialing down saliva production when the fight or flight response kicks in. These current energies are beyond anxiety inducing and I’m definitely feeling the chest sensations and butterflies in the stomach but I’ve experienced dry mouth and extreme thirst when I felt no anxiety at all so I know there are other causal reasons.

We also must consider the fact that the glandular functions fluctuate when the upper chakras, especially the throat, receive upgrades and downloads and not to mention the amount of water it must take to flush out toxins and stabilize the electrical currents in the body when kundalini is rising.

Have you experienced thirst and dry mouth caused by ascension? Let me know PLEASE! ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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5 comentários

Ananya Agarwala
Ananya Agarwala
09 de abr. de 2024

Yes. And dryness and intense thirst is mingled with a need to outgrow my patterns and find alternative ways of being.


Ed St
Ed St
08 de mar. de 2024

I was wondering mysef. It happened already sometimes and it did again. I have a very dry mouth since last night. I drink soooooo much and I have to pee every 10 min. Something is changing energetically too and I was wondering for the first time, what it could mean. Thank you very much


Vivian Lawson
Vivian Lawson
18 de dez. de 2023

Yes! I'm not diabetic and I'm experiencing excessive thirst some nights. Like you said it comes and goes. And sometimes my eyes are so dry I feel like I slept with them open all night. I keep a water bottle by my bed because of the thirst. I do hydrate well during the day, so I know I'm not dehydrated when I go to bed. My dreams for the past week or so have been extremely active. Maybe I'm getting thirsty from all that activity.


23 de nov. de 2023

The intense thirst during meditation has been happening to me recently. I have never felt this level of dryness in my throat before. It feels like paper sand in my throat and sometimes I hear crispy sound in my brain (1-2 second) After an hour of my daily meditation, it always happen and I have to stop it and go drink a whole bottle. So I think I will have to increase my water consuming before starting meditation.

Thank you for sharing your experiences. I am not sure what the ascension symptoms are. But this means a lot to me.


Anthony A. González
Anthony A. González
27 de abr. de 2023

I definitely have. I just thought of looking that up and referencing with ascension symptoms. Your article confirmed what I was already intuitively feeling. There's times it's really dry and I'm so thirsty. I catch myself drinking so much what but nothing helps. Occasionally, coffee is combined. I'm staying away from it as I've learned coffee or any caffeine is not good for my dosha. I'm a vatta if you know what that it. I also notice that when I think about the days before I'm reminded that my water consumption was very low. So I'm playing catch up the following days. Also, drinking crappy water with high sodium or unfiltered also causes bad tastes and dry mouth for me.…

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